Capriccio for wind ensemble – Score & parts For Discount

Harri Wessman s Capriccio for wind ensemble (1989) puts the idea of caprice into practice in various ways. The inspiration for the title comes from the definition of ‘capriccio given by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621): “If one attempts to treat a fugue according to his own pleasure and desire, and does not persist long in this, but rather turns soon to another fugue as it come to mind or occurs to him.” The ten-minute-long work in three movements is scored for the same instruments as Mozart s Serenades for winds: 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon and 2 French horns. The outer movements are extremely folk-musicianly and must be played in a way that makes them brashly temperamental. They are separated by an Andantino, as a cor anglais and oboe dream unfolded on the velvety carpet of the other instruments. It was commissioned and premiered by the wind players of Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra in April 1989.
Harri Wessmanin Capriccio puhallinyhtyeelle (1989) sai nimensä Michael Praetoriuksen (1571-1621) capriccion määritelmästä: ”jos joku ryhtyy kirjoittamaan fuugaa mielensä mukaan, mutta ei pysy siinä pitkään, vaan – kun hänen mieleensä juolahtaa – aloittaa uuden.” Kymmenminuuttinen, musikanttinen kolmiosainen teos muistuttaa kokoonpanoltaan Mozartin puhallinserenadeja: kaksi oboeta, kaksi klarinettia, kaksi fagottia, kontrafagotti sekä kaksi käyrätorvea. Teoksen kantaesittivät Helsingin kaupunginorkesterin puhaltajat huhtikuussa 1989.
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